2021 Washington State Legislature Action on Plastics
During the 2021 Washington state legislative session, Senate Bill [...]
Make Eco-bricks
Updated August 15, 2024 V Calvez, the receiver of [...]
Deb Rudnick Receives Earth Day Award
Dr. Deb Rudnick is one of this year’s recipients [...]
“The Carbon Footprint of Food” Presentation
On April 27, 2021, the Climate & Energy Forum [...]
Paint recycling
Up until now, if you had unwanted leftover latex [...]
Special Recycling Opportunities through Terracycle and Others
Zero Waste offers the chance to recycle certain items [...]
City Leaders Show Broad Support for a Bikeable, Walkable Bainbridge
Can Bainbridge become a truly bikeable, walkable city? That possibility took a giant step toward becoming real.
Food waste prevention article for COBI Connects
Sustainable Bainbridge programs Zero Waste and Watershed Council recently [...]
Gil Penalosa to talk at City Council event
Gil Penalosa is a world-renowned sustainable transportation expert behind this “communities for all” concept.
Reflecting on Litter
If you’ve been on our Island for a few years [...]
How to Put Your Unrecyclable Plastic to Good Use
Islander V Calvez is always looking for ways to [...]
Refurbished Bike Barn to Open Soon
Good news for those who like to bike to the Bainbridge ferry, park their bike, and then walk on.
Create a Clean Energy and Building Fund
The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions on our [...]
Development of Climate Change Lens
On November 10th, the City Council approved the first-ever [...]
City Will Hire New Climate Mitigation/and Adaptation Officer
City Will Hire New Climate Mitigation/and Adaptation Officer The [...]