Join the #BITrashTuesdays movement!
Please note- we are no longer actively supporting this event series. However, you are always welcome to head out to pick up trash, on a Tuesday or any day that suits you- and if you’d like to make a more regular commitment, check out Kitsap County Adopt A Road program to adopt a road near you!
A huge shout out to the individuals and families who joined our litter collection effort, #BITrashTuesdays. Over a few months, we estimated over 90 hours of effort and more than 800 pounds of trash were picked up from our roadways!! That’s amazing!!
How do I join the (socially distanced) party?
If you would like to join us for this effort, which we are calling #BITrashTuesdays because we started it as a weekly thing to do on a Tuesday (but you can participate any day of the week), it’s easy to do: grab friends, gloves, and a trash bag. BI Zero Waste can lend out waste grabbers if you would like to borrow one. Contact us to request to borrow them.
As always, safety first when doing litter collection: with younger children, avoid busy streets or narrow shoulders; wear bright, visible clothing; never collect trash with bare hands; pick up only what you are comfortable handling. Recyclables CAN be separated and recycled, but only if they are clean and dry; if they are dirty/contaminated with liquids or food, they should be put in with regular trash.
Thanks for helping us keep our environment healthy and beautiful!